The main goals of our Careers provision are to encourage student aspirations and achievement whilst creating awareness of the opportunities. We support our students to make informed decisions and make the right choices for their next steps. We pay attention to the needs of all students and potential pathways into employment, training, further or higher education. We are conscious of our responsibilities to discuss Pathways including T-Levels, Apprenticeships and ‘A’ Level routes. We work with students to develop the skills needed to achieve their desired career in a fast-changing employment and educational landscape. We regularly review our careers programme against the 'Gatsby benchmarks', which is a framework of best practice.
Parents and carers can expect a wide range of opportunities within the curriculum to address Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.
If you are an employer who would like to work with the school to promote careers and training opportunities. please contact us at
In addition, we make every effort to seek independent expertise and advice by working with external agencies including:
- EM3 Enterprise M3
- Careers Enterprise Company
- ebpSouth
- Sparsholt
- The Future Skills Centre
- HSDC Alton
- Farnham, Guildford, Merrist Wood, Godalming Colleges and Alton School 6th Form
- Basingstoke
- Farnborough Colleges of Technology
- Southern Universities Network (SUN)
- Amazing Apprenticeships ASK
- Hampshire Futures
- Inclusive Futures
Life beyond Eggar’s
Please see the document on the Guidance & Research page for our Year 11 Destination Data, which shows a summary of the last few years of career destinations for students in Year 11. Students in the other category may have relocated to other countries or decided, under data protection rights, not to submit their data. As you will note, the vast majority of our students move on to either Sixth Form Colleges or Further Education Colleges and there has been a similar pattern for a number of years.
Careers lead - Mrs Jones
To contact Mrs Jones about careers or post 16 information please email or phone the school office.